As artist and researcher Gregorio Fontaine Correa (a.k.a Gregorio Fontén) explores the oscillation (vacilar) between listening and dancing. In this vacilar, song surfaces as the resonance between body and surroundings as a sonic criollo before/beyond listening.
This exploration ramifies in poetry; songs, improvisation, piano and field recording; installation and visual works, Winka Wayno Sound System and speculative writing.
Currently, he is preparing a book that frames the artistic practice of vacilar as a South American sonic onto-fiction. Fonten lives in Valparaiso, Chile where he is the director of Laboratorio del Eco and coordinates the sound art diploma at PUCV.
He holds a Phd in Sonic Arts by Goldsmiths, University of London and has worked as an associate at Charles Morrow Productions developing immersive sound projects in the UK, USA and Brazil. His work has been published and presented in different places such as Queen Elizabeth Hall (London), Center for New Music (San Francisco), Fundación Phonos (Barcelona), CMMAS (Morelia), Teatro Municipal de Santiago among others and the publications Contemplación (Libros de la Elipse, Santiago 2001), FM (Veer Books, Londres 2014) and Transducción (Sonhoras, Barcelona 2018).
His songs have been described as ramshackle and unique, whose effect is hallucinatory, corrosive; both strange and beautiful.